Dear guest!


You have entered a swedish lanuage, stricktly noncommersial and very nonproffesional, website about Historic Rally.  If you have used the phrase "swedish" and something more xx in your searchengine and this site came up, you will be very, very disappointed!

Our aim is no greater then to spreed a little sunshine over Historic Rallysport in general by doing personal reports from Historic Rallyevents where the webmaster and some of his friends have been competing.

If you, dispite of this warning, like to proceed and enter the site it is on your own risk and the webmaster will not in any sense be responsible or liable if you catch the "RallyBug", which could have serious consequences both on your economy and in your family life.

You are on your own!

If, however your curiosity urges you on, I would like to share some swedish keywords that will come in handy for you.


So please bear with me, this is an explantion of the meny

Startsida                     - Start, yeah this ought to be understood.

Bilar                            - Cars - here you find a little background concerning some of the webmasters favorite modells.  

Rally                            - a small reflection about Rallying

Retroperspektiv            - It says it all

Porträtt                         - Portrait of of some of "the good guys" in swedish historic rally

Bildarkiv                        - Pictures from some events. The "updating department" is probably on strike..

Länkar                         - Links

Gästbok                         - Guestbook, please write something nice. Any
language will do, as long as it is not faul language

Senaste nytt                 - "Latest News" has reports from rallies that the webmaster has competed in.

Omröstningar                - referendum. Different issues that have been discussed

Senaste Uppdatering    - Latest uppdate